Mar 23, 2020
Season 1, Episode 30 (23rd March 2020)
Simple wellbeing activities to do during Coronavirus
school closures
Welcome to episode 30. Wow, what a week! In the UK, we
have had daily updates on drip-fed changes with about as much
clarity as you would expect when attempting to scuba-dive in a
muddy pond. All schools are now closed…except they’re not, because
many schools are open, with staff looking after the most vulnerable
children and the children of key workers. Teachers, school leaders
and parents, not to mention the children themselves, are in a state
of bewilderment and doing the best they can to adapt to the
circumstances very quickly. This week, for example, my
colleague Elizabeth Wright and I will be delivering a series of
virtual workshops to groups of children and staff in six schools to
support their mental health and wellbeing at this difficult time.
We have worked with the Academy Trust’s leadership team to adapt
the sessions we were due to deliver in person to virtual sessions
Over the coming weeks and months, my main focus in this podcast
will be on helping you weather this storm, supporting yours and
your children’s wellbeing as we all deal with the global
Coronavirus crisis, while also bringing you content to support your
longer-term planning for teachers’ and children’s wellbeing once
classroom teaching resumes. I am also putting together a virtual
panel of education wellbeing professionals and teachers to share
ideas for getting through this frightening time. The panel
will go out live - hopefully in the next few days and will then be
aired as a special longer-length episode of this podcast.
Watch this space!
Today, though, I’d like to share two activity suggestions - a
meditation activity and a gratitude activity:
- A simple meditation for younger children. If
you are operating on skeleton staff in your school and you have
young children there, this is a great way to calm them if they are
agitated or worried. And of course you can send this to
parents, too, to do with their kids at home. It’s called
‘Take Five’. You ask children to hold out one hand with their
fingers splayed and with each breath, they trace each finger on one
hand with one finger of the other, so as they breathe in slowly,
they trace up their thumb and then trace down as they breathe back
out, then up the index finger as they breathe in again and down as
they breathe out again, then onto the middle finger, ring finger
and little finger so they complete five slow breaths in and
- A simple gratitude activity. Make a poster
thanking your delivery and postal workers for doing their job at
this difficult time and keeping us all going, and display it
outside your front door. Your children, whether at home or in
school, can also do this. I put two posters up outside my
door last week - you can download the files below, though I’m
hardly an artistic genius, so I’m sure you or your pupils can do
something far prettier than I’ve created! - and yesterday something
amazing happened. The doorbell rang for a delivery. The
delivery driver, who has delivered to us on a number of occasions,
stood a safe distance away from our door, having left the items in
our porch. He pointed at my posters and said “thank you so
much for the note - can I take a photo and post it on my
Instagram?” I said that of course he could, and he answered that
out of all of his delivery customers, I was the only person who had
thanked him. I told him I was so sorry to hear that - if it
wasn’t for delivery drivers, postal workers, supermarket workers
and so many other people who have to risk their health and keep
going to work, we would really struggle to keep going. I was
close to tears as I said this to him. He thanked me again and
he left. We were both smiling. Gratitude and kindness
have a wonderful effect on the mood and wellbeing of both
parties. And they can have a powerful ripple effect, too! And
let’s face it, we really need to be as kind to each other right now
as we possibly can! I’d love to see examples of your and your
children’s posters, and hear stories of reactions to these!
Get in touch with me on Twitter at @FlourishingED.
View and download poster
for delivery drivers
View and download poster for postal
Do also get in touch if you’d like to contribute content to this
podcast as a guest, particularly if you’d like to share one or more
activities that can help children, parents or other teachers at
this difficult time.
I look forward to catching up with you next week. Until we
speak again, be safe, be well and For Flourishing’s Sake, have as
great a week as it’s currently possible to have!