May 4, 2020
Over the past couple of weeks, I've brought you snippets of the recent virtual Mental Health and Wellbeing Panel, and I will bring you more of those in the weeks to come.
Today, though, I am delighted to bring you another special guest: Anni Silverdale Poole.
Anni is a transformative coach , global speaker and author with 25 years of leading and consulting in UK schools. Anni believes that a healthy thriving school culture lends clarity and time for teachers and brings understanding for governors. She specialises in whole school wellbeing and is the author of Simply Being You, a book written for teachers, carers, teenagers and adults. She is a founder member of 3PTrue North UK, a community network and Vision for MHWB and is passionate about Mental Wealth and equal chances in schools everywhere.
Anni can be found at and tweets @AnniPoole
Everyday Hero - 60 second version (Corporate, motivational, you tube, podcast) Music by Pond5